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2018 Alford Reunion Recap


“Shoot!! We forgot to do that!” This is something you won’t hear about the 2018 Alford Family Reunion. We Came – We Conquered. It was truly an OKC takeover!!! I think we can agree that the reunion was a huge success, and after such a fun weekend we were energized and proud to have family members, both immediate and extended, that we enjoy so much.

At 4 pm on 7/4/2018 the co-hosts arrived in OKC to commence “Ordinary Family, Doing Extraordinary things.”

What do you get when you cross a family reunion with live entertainment, balloon art, Moonjump, Video Game Truck, selfie booth, and the world’s most awesome family? The ALFORD FAMILY TAKEOVER!!!! 166+ people showed up on Friday, July 6 – July 8 in Oklahoma City, OK for the biggest takeover to date! This epic event bought relatives from around the world to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma for a family reunion weekend of grand activities.

The Montellano Event Center proved to be the perfect place to bring family and friends together in one place for an unforgettable family reunion experience. It was easy to get around, comfortable, beautiful accommodations, gracious hosts, and awesome amenities, etc. There was something for everyone!!!

Friday (July 6, 2018)

Registration started promptly at 4:00. Approximately 162 family members registered wearing the attire for the day, college fraternity/sorority gear. There was a meet and greet from 6:00 – 11:00PM in the Beverly Room. Dinner was provided by Sterling and Melissa Alford. The menu consisted of a delicious spaghetti dinner with salad, drinks and dessert. And, of course, awesome and lively conversation throughout the Beverly Room. Great fellowship and renewing of acquaintances!!

In addition, the younger kids were invited to a “swim party” in the hotel pool. What fun!!! Meanwhile, the teens seemed to have hit the jackpot. The Video Game Truck hosted in the hotel parking lot was

a huge hit for the young AND the more mature. Everyone had a blast and wished it could have lasted longer!!

Saturday (July 7, 2018)

The Business Meeting was conducted. Proceedings were presided by the family council and

included: President - Emmett R. Roberts, Secretary - Shani B. Alford, Communications - Gloria Alford-Carr & Mytia Green, along with the Alford family attendees. Meeting highlights included:

  • Voting and Unveiling of family crest

  • Copies of Wessylyne Alford Simpson book “Promises” provided by Uncle Allan

  • Old and New Business

  • Site Selection (Volunteers)

  • 2020 (Oklahoma)

  • 2020 (Dallas, TX)

  • Vice President position filled for Council by Dr. Lee Patterson

  • Committee Reports

  • Genealogy

  • Health and Wellness

  • Scholarship – Eddie is transitioning the duties and responsibilities to Erika Alford-Dooley of Dallas, TX. Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Eddie for a job well done!!

  • Technology

  • Time and Place

Day Party

The family-friendly reunion Saturday Day party included a red carpet graced with the names of our ancestors and an indoor stage fit for the Alford royalty. The midday act was a loud, competitive game of Family Feud. A family that plays together will feud together!!! It was hilarious and so competitive!!!

The event had a full line up of entertainment and speakers, with one of the highlights being Dr. Rap aka Dr. Emily Patterson-Harris performing “All THE WAY UP.” She had everyone turned up – young and old.

It was important to document this large reunion, so all the “relatives” came together for one big family photo. The family photo was simply awesome! To see that many Alford’s in one photo. Beautiful!!!

The evening ended with a young adult outing to Dave and Buster’s. It was a great time for the millenials to connect and spend more time with just their peers.

Alford Store

The Alford Store was the brainchild of MyTay Green and what a great idea!!! The Alford Store opened its doors for the first time July 7, 2018 at the Montellano. What a huge success. The 2018 inventory consisted of Alford T-Shirts, Alford Hoodies, Alford Aprons, Wine by the “Alford

Brothers” (Marquis & Sterling); Snaps by DeeDee (Montria Denise Alford); personalized make up bags and cups by Stacey M. Williams-Carr. A 2nd edition of the Alford Cookbook (created by Gloria Alford-Carr) was sold with all proceeds going to the “Alford Scholarship Fund.” The talents of this family continue to amaze us all. The family “shopped Til They Dropped” all in the name of family support.

We had a children’s corner where the budding family historians in the making could draw to their hearts content. They had their fill of toys, gift certificates, etc.

Proceeds obtained on Saturday (Day Party):

Aprons (12) $ 180.00

Cookbooks (24) $ 420.00

Hats (32) $ 635.00

Hoodies (23) $ 275.00

T-Shirts (33) $ 270.00

Total for Cookbooks to date: $ 640.00


We thank you for your interest and support of our children. (Balance as of June 30, 2018)

Balance Brought Forward: $ 1,521.49

Contributions since June 30, 2016 $ 1,175.00

Total Awards (2 - $300 each) ( 600.00)

Balance as of 6/30/2018 $ 2,096.49

** There is $200 earmarked for the study of Nursing

2018 Alford Family Reunion Awards

The First to Register Award for 2018 Alford Family Reunion

Jo Ann Alford of San Jose, CA

The Alford Innovator Award 2018

Marquez Alford of Edmond, OK

The Furthest Traveled Award 2018

Brandon Brown of Chico, CA

The Longest Married Award 2018

Celestine & Wyly Remson of Moreno Valley, CA

The Newlywed Award 2018

Kyra & Geoffrey Young, Oklahoma City, OK

The Largest Group In Attendance Award 2018 - (30

Gloria Alford-Carr of Spring, TX

The Youngest in Attendance Award 2018

Robert Goff, Jr. Of Wichita, KS

The Extraordinary Alford Award 2018

Jimmie Lee Pickens of Weleetka, OK

The Extraordinary Alford Award 2018 for Entrepreneurial Participation to the Alford Family

Montria Denise (DeeDee) Alford of Wewoka, OK

The Extraordinary Alford Award 2018 For Extraordinary Academic Achievement:

Christopher Dunlap Harris, M.D. of Edmond, OK

The Alford of the Year Award 2017

Willie O. Alford of San Jose, CA

The Alford-in-Law of the Year 2017

Ken Morgan of Sacramento, CA

The Alford of the Year 2018

Sterling Alford, Sr. of Edmond, OK

The Alford-in-Law of the Year Award 2018

Melissa Alford of Edmond, OK

The Alford-in-Law Legacy Award 2018 for Tireless Support of the Alford Family

James Allan Simpson of Langston, OK

The Alford Legacy Award 2018 – Awarded Family Love Basket

Violet Patterson of Tulsa, OK

Memorial Service

The 2018 Memorial/Commemoration Service was held Sunday Morning in the Thompson Room of The Marriott Hotel promptly at 10am. It began with an enthusiastic welcome by Hedy Alford-Jackson. The uplifting music was provided by Cheryl Thompson-Brooks (Congregational Number:

“Woke Up This Morning” and solo (I Won’t Complain). Old and New Testament scriptures by Rev. Michael Brooks (Psalms 121; 1 Cor. 13:4-13). The message was delivered by Rev. Larry Payne of Ebenezer Baptist Church of Seminole, Oklahoma (Message from 1 Cor. 15:58).

The Commemoration Service consisted of 21 departed. Memorial candles were provided as keepsakes to relatives of the departed. Candles were created and designed by Stacey Williams-Carr.

Our Beloved Family Members

Adam “Pen” Anderson, Sr. (Jul 15, 1925 – Aug 19, 2016)

Anthony DeShawn Penn (Mar 20, 1987 -Sep 13, 2016)

Debrylan Eurell Bell (May 7, 1998 – Oct 5, 2016)

Ruth Irene Green-Alford (Dec 27, 1925 – Oct 17, 2016)

Lillian Anita Patton (Jul 30, 1944 – Oct 25, 2016)

Elizabeth “Doll” Patton (Apr 2, 1949 - Dec 17, 2016)

Zenobia Alford-Washington (Nov 3, 1940 – Dec 25, 2016)

Jeanette “Lil Auntie” Lowe (Sep 16, 1920 – Jan 25, 2017)

Eva Ponder McGough (Nov 4, 1933 – Mar 16, 2017)

Amos Alford (Sep 13, 1966 – Apr 20, 2017)

Booker Taliaferro Alford (Jun 5, 1917 – May 22, 2017)

Eileen Taylor Alford (Feb 25, 1946 – Jul 26, 2017)

Andre White (Feb 15, 1958 -Aug 16, 2017)

Nyla Jewel Weldon (Dec 25, 1934 – Aug 23, 2017)

Sylvester Joe Keith Alford, II (Sep 14, 1942 – Sep 12, 2017)

Laverne Meeks Alford (Apr 9, 1934 – Oct 12, 2017)

Alphretta Minnie Starks (Sep 13, 1932 - Oct 17, 2017)

Kenneth Ray Alfred (Aug 16, 1965-Jan 9, 2018)

Samuel Whitfield (Nov 28, 1953 – Jan 19, 2018)

Edward O. McNeal (Nov 16, 1943 – Jan 27, 2018)

Reginald D. Alford, Jr. (Jul 31, 1986 – May 2, 2018)

While the internet certainly provides an opportunity for those of us interested in genealogy to confirm names and date, there’s something really special about a group of people with a shared history exchanging family stories in person.

Thank you to everyone for their support and willingness to work tirelessly for a well-deserved family!!!

Committee Members

Marquiz and Sheryka Alford

Montria (DeeDee) Alford

Sterling and Melissa Alford

Erika and Antoine Dooley

Brylon and Stacey Carr

Ashley and Zack Christopher

Freddy, Loren, Peyton & Jared Green

Ruthie and Walter Wagner

First Time Attendees

Milton Alford of Oklahoma City, OK

Donnell Alford, Jr of Oklahoma City, OK

Aquila Emery Cofield of Lawton, OK

Joan and Stanley Standifer of Omaha, NE

Darlene and Alfred Taylor of Detroit, Michigan

Future Reunion Sites

2020: Oklahoma City, OK

2022: Dallas, TX

Until 2020, we pray God holds each of you in the palm of his hands. Be blessed!

~2018 Alford Reunion Chairs Gloria Carr & MyTay Green

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Contact Us

© 2024 Alford Family Association, LLC
Registered 501(c)(3)

Tel: 281-773-6756



1721 Glen Falls Lane

Pearland, TX  77581

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