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Welcoming New Arrival Darnell J. Callwood Jr.

Welcome to the newborn prince! We are so excited to announce the arrival of Darnell James Callwood Jr., who made his debut on June 2, 2022. Saiana and De’viana’s little brother arrived at 7lbs 15.7oz and measured 20in. Congratulations to Stephany and Darnell Sr.!

Darnell Jr. is the son of Stephany Cofield & Darnell Callwood, Sr.; Grandson of Aquila Emery; G/Grandson of Rev. L.C. & Erma Alford-Emery; G/G/Grandson of Charlie & Asalee Alford; G/G/G/Grandson of Wesley Dow Alford & Annie Cyrus; and G/G/G/G/Grandson of Matthew Solomon Alford & Lucy Berry-Alford.


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